FullView is a text viewer that offers fast, smooth-scrolling ANSI compatible text displays.
FullView opens up to the full size of the Workbench screen (non-interlaced). Because there is no slider gadget at the side of the screen, you are able to view full 80 column text with a standard Workbench configuration (many text viewers only show 78 columns across).
To start FullView from the CLI, simple type
FullView filename
or from the Workbench, double-click on a project icon that has FullView as its default tool.
FullView will load text and pictures that have been crunched with PowerPacker, by Nico Francois.
FullView has a built-in help screen that can instantly explain its functions, as well as remind you of the keyboard equivalent of many commands. However, here are brief instructions on the operation of the commands. They are listed with the command name (if this command is accessed from a menu, this is also the name of the menu item), and any keyboard equivalents the command may have.
Load...AMIGA-L or l key
This command allows you to load a new text file using the built-in file requester. The file requester is similar to the Commodore ASL requester and to the ARP file requester, and thus most users should be familiar with its operation.
Show Pic...AMIGA-H or h key
This command allows you to display an IFF ILBM picture file. A wide variety of formats is supported, including HAM, Overscan, EHB and Dynamic-HiRes.
Save As...AMIGA-V or v key
This command allows you to save the currently displayed text file under a new name. This can also be useful for converting PowerPacker-crunched text into plain ASCII text.
Print allAMIGA-P or p key
This command will print the current text file to the printer (PRT:).
Print screenAMIGA-C or c key
This command will print the currently displayed page of text to the printer (PRT:).
Search for...AMIGA-S or s key
This command allows you to search the current text file for a text string. Wildcard characters are not supported. The search takes place from the top of the currently displayed page.
Repeat searchAMIGA-R or r key
This command repeats the last text search, from the current position in the file.
This function displays some information about the program, including version number and how to contact the author.
HelpHELP key
This function displays a brief list of commands and their keyboard equivalents.
IconifyAMIGA-I or i key
This command closes the FullView screen and opens a small window on the Workbench screen. This allows you to keep your text file in memory and refer to it at any time, but saves on memory when it is not actually being accessed. To return to the text file, click where the iconified window tells you to. Clicking the close gadget will remove the text file from memory without returning.
QuitAMIGA-Q or q, x, or ESCape key
This command will remove FullView from memory.
Auto scrollSPACE bar or left mouse button
FullView will auto-scroll text at four different speeds. The speed is determined by the vertical position of the mouse; the center of the screen is "neutral", and the further away from the center you move the mouse, the faster FullView will scroll in that direction.
To toggle auto-scrolling, either press the SPACE bar or press the left mouse button. The mouse pointer will disappear while FullView is auto-scrolling, and reappear when scrolling stops (when you either stop it manually or the text reaches the top or bottom).
Line upCursor up key or /\ gadget
This function scrolls one line up through the text. If you continue to hold down the key or the gadget, this function will repeat after a brief interval.
Line downCursor down key or \/ gadget
This function scrolls one line down through the text. If you continue to hold down the key or the gadget, this function will repeat after a brief interval.
Page upShift + Cursor up key, u key or U gadget
This function moves one full page up through the text.
Page downShift + Cursor down key, d key or D gadget
This function moves one full page down through the text.
Top of textControl + Cursor up key, t key or T gadget
This function moves to the beginning of the current text file.
Bottom of textControl + Cursor down key, b key or B gadget
This function moves to the end of the current text file.
Jump to linej key or line gadget
This function allows you to jump to a specified line number. The line gadget is the number that displays the current line being viewed in the status bar at the bottom of the screen (xxxxx > yyyyy; it is the xxxxx value)
Jump to percentJ key or percent gadget
This function allows you to jump a specified percentage into the file. This percent gadget is the number that displays the current percentage of text being viewed in the status bar (xxx%)
IFF routines
FullView can show many different IFF ILBM formats, including HAM, Overscan, Extra Half Brite, and Dynamic-HiRes. There are four main ways to show an IFF picture with FullView.
a) Run FullView with no arguments, and select an IFF picture with
the file requester.
b) Once FullView has loaded a text file, select the Show Pic...
command and select an IFF picture with the file requester.
c) Run FullView from the CLI with the name of an IFF picture and
use the +p argument.
The +p tells FullView that it is a picture you want to show,
not a text file to read. The +p goes on the command line, after
the filename. For example,
FullView dh0:Picture.iff +p
d) From the Workbench, specify FullView as the default tool of a
picture file, and add the ToolType :
This has the same effect as the +p argument from the CLI.
When a picture is displayed, there are several key presses that do different things. You can turn the mouse pointer on or off with the . key. You can stop/start colour cycling (if the file has colour cycling information) with the TAB key. Pressing the p key will print the picture. If a picture is larger than the screen, you can scroll around it using the cursor keys; by themselves they move in single steps, in conjunction with Shift they move a page, and in conjunction with Control they move to the start (or end). To return from a displayed picture, press the left mouse button, or the q or ESCape key.
TAB size
The default size of tab characters in FullView is 4 spaces. You may, if running from the Workbench, specify the tab size yourself. To do this, add the following ToolType to the project icon :
size is the number of spaces a tab character is to be equivalent to, and may be any number from 1 to 10.
ANSI codes
FullView supports the ANSI codes used to change colour and type style. Because of the way FullView displays its text, there is a limitation on the changing of colour and type style; the colour and style is reset at the start of every line. This should not cause any major problems, but it does mean that if you wanted a rectangle of colour, you would have to specify the ANSI codes for every line, instead of just at the start and end of the rectangle. An example of this is the rectangular header of this document file.
For your information, the applicable ANSI codes are :
ANSI codes are included in text using an escape code. This code looks like :
CSI is the Control Sequence Introducer, and it consists of an ESCape character and a [ character. For instance, to set the foreground colour to pen colour 2, the background colour to pen colour 3, and the style to italics and underscore, the control sequence would be :
And here it is!!!
You do not need to specify the [[0m reset sequence at the end of every line, as colours and styles are reset automatically for each line.
Word wrapping
FullView will wrap-around to the next line any words that do not fit on the current line. This should normally not cause a problem. It could, however, cause trouble if FullView wraps words that are supposed to be a different colour and style. As colours and styles are reset for each line, any words that were wrapped would not be in the desired colour/style. There is no easy way out of this; all you can do is preview your text to make sure that this has not occurred. If it has, or you perceive it likely to happen, you can specify the escape code for each individual word. For instance,
[[1mEach [[1mIndividual [[1mWord
Speaking of wrapping...
That about wraps it up for this document file. FullView is largely self-explanatory, and I hope that I have covered all of the necessary points in this text. If you ever have trouble with FullView, please contact me at the address below.
FullView is copyright, but is freely distributable. If you wish to use it in a commercial venture, however, you must contact me.